
The registration fee for the Participants includes: Admission to all scientific sessions,
Conference Kit, Abstract Booklet, Welcome Reception, Coffee Breaks, Gala Dinner.

1. Registration fee: 300 € (20 Feb - 15 May).

2. Late registration fee: 400 € (15 May - 10 Jun).

3. Registration fee for PhD Students: 150 € (20 Feb - 15 May).

4. Late registration fee for PhD Students: 200 € (15 May - 10 Jun).

The registration fee for the Accompanying Persons includes: Coffee Breaks and Gala Dinner.

1. Registration fee: 70 € (20 Feb - 15 May).

2. Late registration fee: 150 € (15 May - 10 Jun)

Payment of registration fees can be made by bank transfer to :

SigmaPhi Conference - Dipartimento di Fisica - Politecnico di Torino
BANK NAME: UNICREDIT BANCA S.p.A. - Agenzia Politecnico 60
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 000002551101 - CIN: N - ABI: 02008 - CAB: 01160
IBAN: IT51N0200801160000002551101
BANK ADDRESS: via Enrico D'Ovidio 5, I-10129 Torino, ITALY

IMPORTANT: After the the payment you can proceed by sending an email to
with subject: REGISTRATION SigmaPhi2008
In the body of the email please specify:
(i) first and last name
(ii) type and amount of the paid fee
(iii) date of payment
(iv) affiliation with full address